Saturday, February 12, 2011

Spoiling my daughter

So, my daughter received all A's on her report card this last semester.  Actually, she received 2 A+'s, 1 A, and 1 A-.  I am so proud of how hard she works and of all her accomplishments in swimming that I like to spoil her once in awhile. 

Emily has always asked that she get her nails done at V.I.P. Salon and Spa if she gets all A's, so that's what we do.  I set up her appointment for this morning since she had a birthday party to go to in the afternoon.  She picked out a blue polish and a sparkly top coat to go with it.  We then took her to her party.

After the party we had to go pick Chris up from the salon where he was getting his hair cut.  The stylist asked me if Emily was getting hers cut too, so we sat her in the chair.  Emily turned to me and asked if she could get a color stripe in her hair.  After much discussion and debate we agreed on a pink stripe.  It is pretty cool, actually.  It seems to have changed her personality a bit, making her less shy and more outgoing.  I say if color in her hair does that then it was well worth it.  


The Herman Letters said...

What a cute kid!

NikkiB said...

Very cute! I've always wanted a pink stripe, so I'm a little jealous!