Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thank you God!

This morning was quite an eye opener.  At 5:30am Jerry and I were jolted out of bed by a bright light, the house shaking and the sound of bricks falling.  We thought our house had been hit by lightning.  A quick check told us that we were fine and looking out the window it looked like the neighbors were fine.  Jerry went to lay with Emily, who was freaking out, and I went back to bed. 

When I woke up the  kids I checked my FB really quick and saw Jerry's status, that the neighbors house had been hit by lightning and half the roof was gone.  I was in shock!  I made the kids lunch, like everyday, and then ran outside to see for myself.  I had instant tears.  When I went back in Emily wanted to see so she put her shoes on and outside she went.  When she came back in she looked like she was in shock too.  We talked about how lucky we were and I reminded her about how every day we have on this earth is a gift from God and that we need to treasure our lives together.  I think she finally gets it!

When we went out to look for the bus we noticed a TON of kids at our stop (our driveway).  Kids I had never seen before were now at our bus stop.  They all wanted to see "the house", so they walked two blocks to our stop.  Crazy!  After the bus had left I ran in, got dressed, and started to walk down there to see if there was anything I could do to help.

As I was walking down there, Cindy saw me (the wife of the house) and started walking towards me.  I gave her a huge hug and asked her if she was OK.  She started to explain what happened.  The corner of their house was hit by lightning which instantly ignited the roof into flames.  She didn't even know.  Never heard a thing.  Either did Brook, the youngest daughter.   A neighbor from down the street, she doesn't know who it was, woke her up by pounding on her front door trying to get them to wake up.  He basically saved their lives.  The oldest daughter was at a friends house for the night and the husband is out of town for work.  Someone had driven by and saw the fire, and called Chelsea at her friends house to say she should probably call home, that he thought her house was on fire.  Chelsea tried to call but couldn't get through.  She found her way home and realized that everyone was safe. 

I just can't even imagine having to deal with all of that.  I am so thankful to God right now.  I am thankful that it wasn't my house.  I am thankful that the whole family is safe down the street.  I am thankful for another day on this glorious earth! 

To anyone who follows my blog, you are loved.  I appreciate every single one of my friends and family!  I don't take one day for granted or one relationship for granted.  Thank you for being a part of my life and know that you are appreciated!!

1 comment:

Dorothy-Life With Boys said...

It's still amazing that nobody was hurt!!!