Sunday, January 23, 2011


Today is the one year anniversary of my friend Laura's death.  She was an amazing woman who died of cancer.  She left behind three children and a husband.  Laura was in SAI with me (Sigma Alpha Iota, a professional fraternity for women) and was one of my pledge sisters.  When I feel like I am at my lowest and am really feeling down and out, I  think of her.  I think of the way I can still watch my daughter swim or my son learn martial arts. I think of how I can still feel the warmth of the sun and the wetness of the rain and snow.  I can still dip my toes in the ocean and listen to the waves crash into the sand.  I can lay on my back in the grass and watch the clouds go by on a warm summer day.  I can fully enjoy a piece of chocolate cake or a glass of wine.  I am learning to accept who I am,  through Laura.   I think about her daily and thank her for being in my life, as short as it was.  I feel I am a better person because she was in my life.  I know that sounds corny but it's true.

  I am not taking life for granted, and never will.  Each day I am here on this earth is a gift from God!  I don't take any friendship or acquaintance for granted either.  They are gifts from God!  I don't take my ability to play flute beautifully for granted.  That is most definately a gift from above!  I don't take my kids for granted, since they are a gift from God as well!  My husband.....a gift from God!  My from God!  My life!  A gift from God! 

All of this was figured out in the last year, since Laura's death.  It really shook me to the core and I promise to never take my life for granted again!  Neither should you!!

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