It's been a long time since I felt like writing anything on here. Today, as I was driving home, I was thinking about how far I've come with my back issues.
Ten years ago, August, was when I picked up a 9 month old Emily and collapsed on my kitchen floor for three hours. That was one of the worst days of my life. Having to be carried out on a stretcher by a couple firemen, while neighbors watched, was pretty humiliating. That recovery time included the three of us moving to my parents house, since I couldn't really move or walk and Emily was just so young. My mom drove me to physical therapy three times a week, where I worked diligently to get better. After about 6 weeks I moved back home and started my way to recovery.
One year ago I had another major attack. I had a very hard time walking and was absolutely miserable.
I started seeing Dr. Joe then, and was going on a daily basis, including Sundays. That went on for a couple weeks. Then I was going three times a week for months. I got to be pretty good friends with Dr. Joe and the whole staff at Cousineau Chiropratic and can not thank them enough for all the help! I have now progressed to every 2-3 weeks!
I have come so far in one year and now I have to work on the mental part of this deal. I feel like I was traumatized for years with these problems. Scared to do anything, for fear I will end up bed ridden.
Well, I am ready to start taking baby steps with the exercise to go along with the calorie counting.
I hope to get back in shape and take off this extra weight that has come along for the ride.
Thanks to everyone who has helped me, supported me, or just was there for me! It means the world to me!!
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